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Question :
Is the registration on Magiclandia free?

Answer : « No - but the registration it has a reasonable cost  »

What do I get after the registration?

Answer : « you can have an access to the course of Magic and the reserved zone.  »

Question :
 what do I have to do to have a direct access to this course ?

Answer : « you have to go to this page: Registration page  and fill the registration form. After having filled it, you will get the instructions to pay. »

Question :
How much is Magiclandia cost?

Answer : « You can pay in EUROS or U.S.Dollars:
63,00 Euros € or 75,00 USD $  for the simple registration to Magiclandia and the Course of Magic
if you want also the cd of the Course of Magic the price is: 80,00 Euros € or  95,00 USD $   »


Magiclandia Club Magico Virtuale